ေဆာ္ဒီ အာေရးဗီးယားႏုိင္ငံသည္ အာေရးဗီးယားကြ်န္းဆြယ္ႀကီးတြင္ အႀကီးမားဆံုးေသာ ႏုိင္ငံႀကီးၿဖစ္သည္။ ကြ်န္ေတာ္တုိ ့ၿမန္မာႏုိင္ငံတြင္လူသိမ်ားေသာ ဒူဘုိင္း ၊ ကာတာ စေသာႏုိင္ငံမ်ားသည္ ေဆာ္ဒီ အာေရးဗီးယားႏွင့္ မႏွိုင္းယွဥ္သာေလာက္ေအာင္ ေသးေကြးလွပါသည္။
ပမာ ဆုိရေသာ . မေလးရွားႏုိင္ငံ ႀကီး ၏ ေၿမဧရိယာ ႏွင့္ စင္ကာပူ ၏ ေၿမဧရိယာကြာၿခားမွူ ့ ေလာက္ ရွိမည္ဟု ဆုိႏုိင္ပါသည္။
အေရွ ့ပုိင္းတြင္ အာေရးဗီးယားပင္လယ္ရွိသည္။ အေနာက္ဘက္တြင္ ပင္လယ္နီရွိသည္။
ေတာင္ဘက္တြင္ ယီမင္ ၊ အုိမင္၊ U.A.E တုိ ့ႏွင့္လည္းေကာင္း ၊ အေရွ ့ေတာင္ဘက္တြင္ ဘာရိန္း ၊ ကာတာ စေသာ ႏုိင္ငံတုိ ့ႏွင့္လည္းေကာင္း ၊ ေၿမာက္ဘက္တြင္ ေဂ်ာ္ဒန္ ႏွင့္ အီရတ္တို ့ႏွင့္လည္းေကာင္း နယ္နမိတ္ထိစပ္လ်က္ရွိသည္။
ေဆာ္ဒီ ႏုိင္ငံကို တည္ေထာင္ခဲ့သူ ဘုရင္ႀကီး အဗဒူ လာစစ္ အယ္ ေဆာ့ (King Abd al-Aziz Al Saud) က ဒုတိယကမၻာစစ္အၿပီးတြင္ တကဲြတၿပားစီၿဖစ္ေနေသာ နယ္ပယ္ ေဒသ တု ိ့ကို စုစည္းၿပီး Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ကို တည္ေထာင္ခဲ့သည္။
လက္ရွိဘုရင္မွာ သူ၏ သားၿဖစ္သူ ဘုရင္ အဗဒူလာ (King Abdulla) က ႏုိင္ငံ၏ အဓိပတိ ႀကီးၿဖစ္သည္။
Shoura ေကာင္စီမွ ပါလီမန္ လႊတ္ေတာ္ ေခၚကာ တုိင္းၿပည္အေရးကိစၥမ်ားကို စီမံ အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ႀကသည္။
ၿမိဳ ့ေတာ္ သည္ ရီယာ့ဒ္ ့ၿဖစ္သည္။
ကမၻာေပၚတြင္လည္း စံၿပ အစၥလာမ္ ႏုိင္ငံႀကီးၿဖစ္သည္။
တမန္ေတာ္ မုိဟာမက္ ပြင့္ေတာ္မူရာၿဖစ္ေသာ မကၠာႏွင့္ မဒီနာ ၿမိဳ ့ႀကီးမ်ား လည္းကမၻေပၚတြင္ ထင္ရွားသည္။
ႏွစ္စဥ္ ကမၻာတ၀န္းမွ သန္းေပါငး္မ်ားစြာေသာ အစၥလာမ္သာသနာ၀င္ အေပါင္းတုိ ့က . ၄င္းတုိ ့အထြတ္အၿမန္ထားရာ မကၠာ ႏွင့္ မဒီနာ ၿမိဳ ့ႀကီးမ်ားသို ့လာေရာက္ ၀တ္ၿပဳ ႀကသည္။ ၄င္းကို Haj ၿပဳသည္ဟု ဆုိသည္။
ကမၻေပၚတြင္ အလံုၿခံဳ ဆံုးႏွင့္ အမွူ ့အခင္း ၿဖစ္မွူ ့အနညး္ဆံုုး ႏုိင္ငံတစ္ခုလည္းၿဖစ္သည္။
အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ေရးသည္ အစၥလာမ္ ဥပေဒ ၿဖစ္ေသာ Shira ရွီယား ဥပေဒၿဖင့္ အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္သည္။
လူသတ္မွူ ့၊ မူးယစ္ ေဆး၀ါး အမွူ ့စသည္တုိ ့သည္ ေသဒဏ္ မည္၏ ။
သူတပါး ပစၥည္း ခုိးမိလွ်င္ လက္ၿဖတ္ခံရမည္။
ပမာ ဆုိရေသာ . မေလးရွားႏုိင္ငံ ႀကီး ၏ ေၿမဧရိယာ ႏွင့္ စင္ကာပူ ၏ ေၿမဧရိယာကြာၿခားမွူ ့ ေလာက္ ရွိမည္ဟု ဆုိႏုိင္ပါသည္။
အေရွ ့ပုိင္းတြင္ အာေရးဗီးယားပင္လယ္ရွိသည္။ အေနာက္ဘက္တြင္ ပင္လယ္နီရွိသည္။
ေတာင္ဘက္တြင္ ယီမင္ ၊ အုိမင္၊ U.A.E တုိ ့ႏွင့္လည္းေကာင္း ၊ အေရွ ့ေတာင္ဘက္တြင္ ဘာရိန္း ၊ ကာတာ စေသာ ႏုိင္ငံတုိ ့ႏွင့္လည္းေကာင္း ၊ ေၿမာက္ဘက္တြင္ ေဂ်ာ္ဒန္ ႏွင့္ အီရတ္တို ့ႏွင့္လည္းေကာင္း နယ္နမိတ္ထိစပ္လ်က္ရွိသည္။
ေဆာ္ဒီ ႏုိင္ငံကို တည္ေထာင္ခဲ့သူ ဘုရင္ႀကီး အဗဒူ လာစစ္ အယ္ ေဆာ့ (King Abd al-Aziz Al Saud) က ဒုတိယကမၻာစစ္အၿပီးတြင္ တကဲြတၿပားစီၿဖစ္ေနေသာ နယ္ပယ္ ေဒသ တု ိ့ကို စုစည္းၿပီး Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ကို တည္ေထာင္ခဲ့သည္။
လက္ရွိဘုရင္မွာ သူ၏ သားၿဖစ္သူ ဘုရင္ အဗဒူလာ (King Abdulla) က ႏုိင္ငံ၏ အဓိပတိ ႀကီးၿဖစ္သည္။
Shoura ေကာင္စီမွ ပါလီမန္ လႊတ္ေတာ္ ေခၚကာ တုိင္းၿပည္အေရးကိစၥမ်ားကို စီမံ အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ႀကသည္။
ၿမိဳ ့ေတာ္ သည္ ရီယာ့ဒ္ ့ၿဖစ္သည္။
ေငြေႀကးမွာ ရီယယ္ ၿဖစ္သည္။
၃.၇၅ ေဆာ္ဒီ ရီယယ္ = ၁ အေမရိကန္ ေဒၚလာ
ႏုိင္ငံ၏ အက်ယ္အ၀န္းမွာ ကြ်န္ေတာ္တုိ ့ၿမန္မာႏုိုငံထက္ တစ္ဆ ခဲြ ခန္ ့ႀကီးမားသည္။
ကမၻာေပၚတြင္ ေရနံအႀကြယ္၀ဆံုးၿဖစ္သည့္အတြက္ ဓန အင္အား ေတာင့္တင္းလွသည္။
ႏုိင္ငံသားမွန္သမွ်သည္ ရာႏွူန္းၿပည့္ အစၥလာမ္သာသနာ၀င္ ၊ မူဆလင္ မ်ားသာၿဖစ္သည္။
အကယ္၍ အၿခားဘာသာ တစ္ခုခုသို ့ကူးေၿပာင္းပါက အစၥလာမ္ အႏၱရာယ္ဟု သတ္မွတ္ကာ ေသဒဏ္ေပး ေလ့ရွိသည္။
ကမၻာေပၚတြင္ အစၥလာမ္သာသနာ စတင္ေပၚထြန္းရာၿဖစ္သည့္အားေလွ်ာ္စြာ အၿခားေသာ ပတ္၀န္က်င္ ႏုိင္ငံမ်ားထက္ပင္ ဘာသာေရးစည္းကမး္ တင္းႀကပ္လြန္းလွပါသည္။ ကမၻာေပၚတြင္လည္း စံၿပ အစၥလာမ္ ႏုိင္ငံႀကီးၿဖစ္သည္။
တမန္ေတာ္ မုိဟာမက္ ပြင့္ေတာ္မူရာၿဖစ္ေသာ မကၠာႏွင့္ မဒီနာ ၿမိဳ ့ႀကီးမ်ား လည္းကမၻေပၚတြင္ ထင္ရွားသည္။
ႏွစ္စဥ္ ကမၻာတ၀န္းမွ သန္းေပါငး္မ်ားစြာေသာ အစၥလာမ္သာသနာ၀င္ အေပါင္းတုိ ့က . ၄င္းတုိ ့အထြတ္အၿမန္ထားရာ မကၠာ ႏွင့္ မဒီနာ ၿမိဳ ့ႀကီးမ်ားသို ့လာေရာက္ ၀တ္ၿပဳ ႀကသည္။ ၄င္းကို Haj ၿပဳသည္ဟု ဆုိသည္။
ကမၻေပၚတြင္ အလံုၿခံဳ ဆံုးႏွင့္ အမွူ ့အခင္း ၿဖစ္မွူ ့အနညး္ဆံုုး ႏုိင္ငံတစ္ခုလည္းၿဖစ္သည္။
အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ေရးသည္ အစၥလာမ္ ဥပေဒ ၿဖစ္ေသာ Shira ရွီယား ဥပေဒၿဖင့္ အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္သည္။
လူသတ္မွူ ့၊ မူးယစ္ ေဆး၀ါး အမွူ ့စသည္တုိ ့သည္ ေသဒဏ္ မည္၏ ။
သူတပါး ပစၥည္း ခုိးမိလွ်င္ လက္ၿဖတ္ခံရမည္။
တရားဥပေဒ စုိးမုိး ေသာ တုိင္းၿပည္ၿဖစ္သည္။
Main Content
Fast Facts
Riyadh; 5,126,000
1,960,582 square kilometers (756,985 square miles)
Saudi riyal
Life Expectancy:
GDP per Capita:
U.S. $11,400
Literacy Percent:
Saudi Arabia Flag Saudi Map
Saudi Arabia occupies most of the Arabian Peninsula and is the largest country in area in the Middle East—but 95 percent of the land is desert. Mountains running parallel to the Red Sea slope down to plains along the Persian Gulf (called Arabian Gulf by Arab states). Below the arid landscape, oil has made this desert kingdom one of the wealthiest nations in the world.
The oil-enriched economy has brought some 5.6 million resident foreigners—mostly from Arab states or South Asia. The mismatch between the job skills of Saudi graduates and the needs of the job market, as well as constraints on employment for Saudi women, are reasons for the large number of foreign workers. Unemployment for young Saudi males is high.
Pumping the lifeblood of industrial economies, Saudi Arabia exports more oil than any other nation and holds 25 percent of the world's proven reserves. To increase non-oil exports, economic diversification emphasizes more dependence on manufacturing and on irrigated farming, which draw on limited underground water supplies.
King Abd al-Aziz Al Saud merged warring Bedouin tribes to form Saudi Arabia in 1932. Succession has fallen in turn to his sons, governing through consultation with others in the royal family, religious leaders, and technocrats. A major supporter of the 1990-91 Persian Gulf war, the country served as operations base for coalition forces. Relations with the U.S. were strained after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks—carried out mainly by Saudi citizens. In this conservative society, underpinned by Islamic law, women live in veiled segregation. Saudi Arabia is keeper of Islam's most sacred cities: Mecca, where the Prophet Muhammad received the word of Allah, and Medina, where Muhammad died in A.D. 632.
ေဆာ္ဒီ အာေရးဗီးယားႏုိင္ငံရဲ ့အလုပ္သမား ဥပေဒကို ဖတ္ရွု ့ရန္
Do’s and Don’ts in Middle East
(Send by my friend : Ei Tone )
- Do learn Arabic,that is the key to progress and closer relationship with the people of the Middle East countries.
- When you enter a room or an office greet the people with AS-SALAM ALAKOM (Peace with you).
- If someone greeted you with AS-SALAM ALAKOM,you must answer back; WAALAIKOM-AS-SALAM (And with you back).Remerber that not answering a person’s greeating is a sin in Islam.
- Show interest in learnig about their customs,culture and even religious;this make them interested in associating with you;besides,there is no harm in increasing yor knowledge about their way of life and beliefs.
- When entering a house (or even an office),to make known you’re coming in,it’s better to say gently “Ya Allah” (O,God) so that they will prepare themselves.
- Do accept in Middle East homes.It means you are interesting in associating with them,and thus helps in inproving relations.
- Do shake hand with visitors warmly;It’s even better to hold their hands with your two hands.
- Adjust your mental attitude to accept a change of working conditions and situations.A little common sense and courtesy go a long way.
- Drink tea when you are invited to do so.You are being honoured as a guest.
- Try traditional products that are good.It also shows your regards for the people who have prepared them.
- Be observant of others when visiting Middle East homes.Do as others do,i.e.,if all the guests remove their shoes when entering a room,remove your shoe.It is a custom to do so.Follow these customs out of respect for your host.
- Know how to refuse coffee when you have had enough.It is polite to have two cups,no more no less.Place your hand over the cup or shake it from side to side when handling it back to the waiter to indicate that you have finished.
- Understand that the Middle East social community is make up of two sepreate groups,men and women. They do not usually intermingle at social or public gatherings such as weddings and occasions.
- When you get into some problems with arabs,try to remind them of Allah and the Prophet Mohammed and the prayers like,Al-hamdo Lil-lah( Praise the Lord).
- When giving or receiving somethings or eating,use your right hand.The left hand is left for cleaning one’s dirty parts of the body.
- Do bargain. In the Middle East Bazars .it’s common practice that the sellor gives a higher price and the customer tries to bargain until both agree on it.
ေဆာ္ဒီ အာေရးဗီးယားႏုိင္ငံရဲ ့အလုပ္သမား ဥပေဒကို ဖတ္ရွု ့ရန္
| |

The Arabic text is the official text that has legal force.

Rules & Regulation
Labor Law : 6-2007
Annouced By : Labor and Civil Care Laws
Section : Labor Law
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers
Official Translation Department
Translation of Saudi Laws
Royal Decree No. M/51
23 Shaban 1426 / 27 September 2005

In the name of God
the Compassionate
the Merciful
This translation is provided for guidance. The governing text is the Arabic text.
Do’s and Don’ts in Middle East
(Send by my friend : Ei Tone )
- Do learn Arabic,that is the key to progress and closer relationship with the people of the Middle East countries.
- When you enter a room or an office greet the people with AS-SALAM ALAKOM (Peace with you).
- If someone greeted you with AS-SALAM ALAKOM,you must answer back; WAALAIKOM-AS-SALAM (And with you back).Remerber that not answering a person’s greeating is a sin in Islam.
- Show interest in learnig about their customs,culture and even religious;this make them interested in associating with you;besides,there is no harm in increasing yor knowledge about their way of life and beliefs.
- When entering a house (or even an office),to make known you’re coming in,it’s better to say gently “Ya Allah” (O,God) so that they will prepare themselves.
- Do accept in Middle East homes.It means you are interesting in associating with them,and thus helps in inproving relations.
- Do shake hand with visitors warmly;It’s even better to hold their hands with your two hands.
- Adjust your mental attitude to accept a change of working conditions and situations.A little common sense and courtesy go a long way.
- Drink tea when you are invited to do so.You are being honoured as a guest.
- Try traditional products that are good.It also shows your regards for the people who have prepared them.
- Be observant of others when visiting Middle East homes.Do as others do,i.e.,if all the guests remove their shoes when entering a room,remove your shoe.It is a custom to do so.Follow these customs out of respect for your host.
- Know how to refuse coffee when you have had enough.It is polite to have two cups,no more no less.Place your hand over the cup or shake it from side to side when handling it back to the waiter to indicate that you have finished.
- Understand that the Middle East social community is make up of two sepreate groups,men and women. They do not usually intermingle at social or public gatherings such as weddings and occasions.
- When you get into some problems with arabs,try to remind them of Allah and the Prophet Mohammed and the prayers like,Al-hamdo Lil-lah( Praise the Lord).
- When giving or receiving somethings or eating,use your right hand.The left hand is left for cleaning one’s dirty parts of the body.
- Do bargain. In the Middle East Bazars .it’s common practice that the sellor gives a higher price and the customer tries to bargain until both agree on it.